Sunday, November 20, 2016

Teens Technology Survey

I surveyed an 11 year old girl and 16 year old boy to submit a brief self report of their relationship to technology.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to interview them in-person to clarify or adjust any questions. 
The most interesting aspect of the experience was that the 16 year old was very troubled that it required him to write and not click.  (Perhaps I should have used Survey Monkey!  I did give the option to call, email, or record responses.)  In the end he opted to print, hand-write, and scan me his answers.   For reporting high proficiency with technology, I was surprised at his use of this "old fashion" method!

What technology do you use? (which devices? Apps? programs?)

 16: iphone, macbook, ps4, instagram, imessage, snapchat, facebook

11: phone, ipad, laptop, games, social media, google classroom, khan academy, etc

How long have you used these?  Are they your own?

 16: 4 years (since I was 12), all of the devices are my own

11: I have had a phone for a long time, but I just got a new one last Easter.  I have also had my ipad for a long time.  My laptop was from last year. Yes, they are my own.

How many hours per day do you use technology (iphone, tv, computer, game console, etc)? 

16: 4-6 hours

11: 4-5 hours (I think)

How many hours per week? (If you use one day more than others.  Which day(s) do you use the most?)

 16: 20 hours

11: 24 hours (I think)  I usually use it on the weekends to play games or do homework.

Estimate the average percent of your usage time for:

Homework:             16: 30%           11: 50%
Communication: 16: 50%           11: 25%
Fun:                     16: 20%           11:25%

Should there be limits on teens access to technology?

 16: No, because we use it for every aspect of our lives

11: Yes or else we would only focus on our electronics rather than what's actually happening

What would be a fair policy?

 16: Let us decide what is fair.

11: I think a fair policy would be if you finish all your work, you can play on your electronics.

Do your parents or school have a usage policy?

16: Yes, no screens after 11pm

11: yeah.  My mom makes sure I balance my time and do other stuff.  I am not allowed to use my phone in school.

Compared to your friends, are you ahead, behind, or average in ability to use technology.

16: Ahead

11: average/ahead

Do you act/type differently online than you do in person? 

 16: NO

11: nope

Do you communicate online with friends that you regularly see in-person or global friends (that you may not have met)?

16: I talk to my friends, but not people from around the world.

11: both, depending on what I am doing

Do you have any concerns about the use of technology?

16: Not really

11: Sometimes people send too much time on their electronics and don't socialize with the people in real life sitting next to them.  Also, there's cyber bullying

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