Sunday, November 13, 2016

Deconstruction Of A Video Ad Reflection

I chose to deconstruct the video advertisement of Old Spice's body wash:

A few items that were striking was the lack of product in the advertisement, the feeling of amateur production, and the use of humor.

The ad is one of many, demonstrating men in relatively bizarre, but manly scenarios.  Rather than convincing the viewer of the effectiveness of the product, it is my impression that the videos are not intended to be viewed once, but to be shared via social media because of the humor element.  The limited product images, allow the advertisement to be understood as an entertaining clip and less as brainwashing advertisement.  These qualities allow it to reach a wider audience exposure rather than convincing the viewer of its benefits and hoping the product will further be discussed organically.

As discussed in Networked Publics, the culture around this advertisement was created to be a parody of manly men and uses a juxtapose filming technique giving the video a amateur/real feel that users are comfortable with in everyday life.

The advertisement itself had very little written text, but used visuals and sounds created the images of  manliness (playing tennis/baseball on a whale blindfolded), cleanliness (ocean splash), and intelligence/thoughtfulness (speaking in a profound tone).

Varnelis, K., & Annenberg Center for Communication (University of Southern California). (2008). Networked publics. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

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